Partnering with Rebees

As a developer and operator, Rebees creates enduring real estate value by crafting one-of-a-kind retail environments populated by superb merchants and infused with creative and cultural energy.  These remarkable places magnetize foot traffic, drive quality tenancy, and establish enduring brand and address value for all real estate product types in proximity.  Because of this, Rebees often functions as the retail partner inside larger mixed-use development partnerships.

Rebees is a collaborative yet principled partner to developers and capital.  We strive to be equitable and transparent in all our dealings, and we are deeply committed to developing projects of quality, creativity, durability and integrity.  We only partner with companies that share these goals and values, but when we do, magic tends to get made and fun is had by all.

If you're interested in discussing a partnership with us, please reach out using the link below.